Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Writer's Quirky Brain

I often wonder at the way my brain works. My grandmother recently passed and during her funeral service a stray thought pops into my brain. What are funerals like in my new fantasy world. This is just one example. These thoughts are like meteor showers and they come in all shapes and sizes. I see someone on the street and my brain creates a whole life story. A poorly written/acted/directed movie will kick my brain into overdrive. Before I know it, I've dissected the plot and planned out how I would have written the ending. I am not alone in this quirky behavior. Writer's just tend to think differently.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Writing is Real Work

Like thousands of others, I’m a writer – an as yet unpublished writer. Unlike thousands of others, I acknowledge that editors and publishing houses generally know their business. There is no conspiracy, no old boys club, no secret formula. The cold truth is that if you write a good story, someone will want to publish it. This is where writing is a business. Despite what some people think, writing is a job and it takes work. It may take a few queries to find the right market. If you write a great story, your job is even easier.